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A/B and C Operator Certification Training

C-Store ABC Operators

Class A/B UST Operator Training

Our Class A/B UST Operator training is specific to two types of Operators:

  1. Class A Operator: Persons having primary responsibility for on-site operation and maintenance of underground storage tank systems.

  2. Class B Operator: Persons having daily on-site responsibility for the operation and maintenance of underground storage tank systems.


Our combined A/B Certification course provides Class A and B Operators with an in-depth understanding of day-to-day operations, maintenance and recordkeeping to ensure fulfillment of compliance and regulatory requirements in your state.

Class C UST Operator Training

Our online Class C UST training is designed to:

  1. Provide clerks and non-management personnel of petroleum storage tank facilities (Class C Operators) with an easy-to-use online training course that can be completed anytime, anywhere, in approximately 30 minutes.

  2. Alleviate the burden on managers (Class B Operators) who must ensure there is a Certified Class C Operator present at their petroleum storage tank facilities.

  3. Give owners (Class A Operators) of petroleum storage tank facilities peace-of-mind that their on-site personnel will be properly trained to address emergency and non-emergency situations that may arise.

Petro Classroom’s online Class C Operator Training is approved in all 50 states.

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