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Walkthrough Inspection Course

2015 UST Regulations

In 2015, the EPA revised the underground storage tank (UST) regulations, requiring owners and operators to perform periodic walkthrough inspections and testing beginning on October 18, 2018.  Your state implementing agency may have adopted these regulations with a different deadline. Regardless of the deadline, the periodic walkthrough inspections and testing will be required for all owners/operators of UST systems in the near future.  Petro Classroom has everything you need to meet these requirements with ease. 

Petro Classroom’s Walkthrough Inspection Course

Petro Classroom has developed an online course to teach your Class A/B & C Operators how to conduct these inspections to comply with the new regulations.  Owners/Operators will learn what equipment needs to be inspected and tested and the frequency of which these inspections and testing must occur.


The new regulations also require owners/operator to document:

  • what areas were inspected

  • whether each area inspected was acceptable or needed action taken

  • a description of any actions taken to correct issues

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Address: 9237 Ward Parkway, Suite 220, Kansas City, MO 64114 

Phone: 844-303-6752


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